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Cleaning Out Old Chicken from Your Freezer: Tips from SERVPRO

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

Thorough cleanout of a church freezer For professional cleaning and odor removal services, trust SERVPRO.

Cleaning Out Old Chicken from Your Freezer: Tips from SERVPRO®

Discovering old chicken in your freezer can be a smelly surprise, but cleaning it out properly is crucial to avoid lingering odors and potential health risks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to effectively clean out your freezer after finding old chicken:

1. Safety First: Before starting, ensure your safety by wearing gloves and possibly a mask if the smell is strong. This protects you from potential bacteria and prevents the spread of odors.

2. Unplug the Freezer: Turn off and unplug the freezer to avoid any accidents while cleaning. This also prevents the freezer from continuing to operate with the door open, which could cause it to overheat.

3. Remove the Chicken: Carefully remove the old chicken and any other affected items from the freezer. Place them in a garbage bag and dispose of them properly to prevent further contamination or odor spread.

4. Empty and Defrost the Freezer: Remove all shelves, drawers, and trays from the freezer. Allow it to fully defrost if ice has built up. Use towels to soak up any water that accumulates during the defrosting process.

5. Clean with a Mild Cleaner: Prepare a solution of warm water and a mild detergent or antibacterial cleaner. Use a sponge or cloth to thoroughly clean all interior surfaces of the freezer, including shelves, walls, and door seals. Pay extra attention to areas where chicken or juices may have spilled.

6. Rinse and Dry: After cleaning, rinse the interior of the freezer with clean water to remove any remaining cleaner residue. Dry all surfaces thoroughly with a clean towel or allow them to air dry completely.

7. Deodorize if Necessary: If there are lingering odors, you can deodorize the freezer by placing baking soda or activated charcoal inside and leaving it for several hours or overnight. Alternatively, use a commercial freezer deodorizer.

8. Reassemble and Restock: Once the freezer is clean, dry, and odor-free, reassemble shelves and trays. Plug the freezer back in and allow it to cool to the desired temperature before restocking with fresh, properly packaged items.

9. Regular Maintenance: To prevent future odor problems, regularly clean and organize your freezer. Check for expired items and promptly dispose of them to maintain freshness and cleanliness.


Cleaning out old chicken from your freezer is a necessary task to ensure food safety and maintain a pleasant kitchen environment. By following these steps and taking the time to clean thoroughly, you can restore your freezer to a clean and sanitary condition. For more extensive cleaning or odor removal needs, consider contacting SERVPRO® for professional assistance and peace of mind.

For professional cleaning and odor removal services, trust SERVPRO. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive cleaning solutions and how we can help restore your home to its cleanest state.